cci quiz test CCI Questionnaire Do you have any history of significant head or neck trauma that caused these symptoms? Yes No Do you have hypermobility or hypermobile EDS? Yes No Symptoms (Check the disabling ones): Headaches pain in the upper neck at the back of the head or Head Pressure Dizziness/Imbalance when active POTS or problems with lightheadedness/dizziness Brain fog Ringing in your ears Visual disturbances Rapid heart rate GI symptoms related to your neck Nausea or vomiting related to head/neck position Low back pain Thoracic pain Excessive sweating Tremors or muscle jerking related to head/neck position Problems with coordination related to head/neck position Fainting related to head/neck position Chemical environmental sensitivities When I wear a cervical collar, some or all of my symptoms get better: Yes No Haven’t tried AO or NUCCA chiropractic makes my symptoms better temporarily: Yes No Haven’t tried Submit ×